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  • What is Orange Hydrogen?

    • Orange Hydrogen is a low cost, easily instrumented chemical process that breaks down traditional hydrocarbon fuels (e.g., crude oil, natural gas, gasoline, etc) into hydrogen (H2) with no CO2 byproduct. The process energy can come from renewable electricity.

  • Why is Orange H2 Valuable?

    • The process can be readily implemented as a portable solution which can be installed at the point of need. It is especially useful for remote locations such as well sites or fueling stations.

  • Are there other similar forms of Hydrogen production?

    • There are other forms of Hydrogen production such as Blue Hydrogen and Green Hydrogen. Blue Hydrogen is produced through steam methane reforming requiring removal of co product CO2. Green Hydrogen is produced through electrolysis of water wherein Oxygen is a coproduct.

  • Why is Orange H2 better?  Are there downsides?

    • Orange Hydrogen is able to produce Hydrogen with lower energy input requirements. This translates to reduced atmospheric heating. 

    • Both Blue and Green Hydrogen have downsides that prevent their usefulness in many circumstances. Blue Hydrogen produces CO2 as a byproduct which must be captured and stored. Green Hydrogen uses electrolysis requiring a significant power source. Though this energy requirement can be supplied from green sources, the process itself causes considerable heating of the environs. The overall energy cost is higher than orange hydrogen production.

  • Then why do people pursue other types of H2 production?

    • Irrespective of the downsides, green H2 is desired by entities without oil resources. The CO2 sequestration step after steam reforming of methane for the blue Hydrogen is still not fully commercialized for net zero.  Other types are needed in the transition to netzero.

  • Can your group provide cost viable / cost reduction technology for blue or green hydrogen? We may not wish to retool for a new process?

    • Our group can design simpler and lower cost options for green and blue H2.  We can use lower cost non exotic metals instead of platinum, Iridium, titanium for electrolysis of water for green H2.

  • Can your group provide Residential or Filling station Hydrogen equipment for Fuel cell vehicle owners ?

    • Yes.  Fuel cell vehicle owners, Gas station owners who want to add a Hydrogen station can contact us - we can design and provide a Plug In Orange or Green Hydrogen Module. 

  • What are the cost effective ways of making Biohydrogen?

    • Make biocrude or biocoal from waste sewage, waste food, plastics, etc. and convert that to bio-hydrogen and carbon to maximize stored energy in these.  Biocrude and biocoal are in the metastable state retaining more of the stored energy than the biogas or biomethane -  These biogas methods still waste considerable amounts of stored endothermic energy in the wastes.  We can provide Technologies for it. 

  • What are your other designs for energy efficient methods?

    • We have plans to modernize the well head upstream as well as refinery midstream processes maintaining high energy efficiency and low energy consumption principles, while accommodating products in demand.

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